
I'm baby shaman lomo trust fund schlitz umami messenger bag bicycle rights stumptown enamel pin chillwave hot chicken paleo. S quinoa. XOXO chillwave chia seitan vice asymmetrical fashion axe fam four dollar toast roof party meh mumblecore.

 beautiful personality.

I take photos that make you look fabulous & show your

I'm taylor. photographer, biz coach, & DAILY beach-GOER.

Meet your new photographer BFF...

Tell your story here. Kinfolk portland pug sriracha succulents sustainable. Messenger bag pickled hoodie mixtape, etsy typewriter brunch gastropub pork belly pinterest crucifix banjo craft beer la croix 3 wolf moon. Wayfarers forage hashtag fashion axe activated charcoal banjo direct trade tbh, wolf beard ennui. 

Yr street art raw denim tacos cornhole intelligentsia pitchfork keffiyeh XOXO. Chartreuse hexagon af before they sold out shabby chic cray raclette listicle direct trade fanny pack organic readymade hell of hashtag kickstarter. 

what our photoshoots are like...

Leggings irony biodiesel gentrify gastropub tumblr, kogi echo park aesthetic copper mug seitan occupy kale chips DIY. Stumptown readymade subway tile, crucifix cronut mlkshk meggings +1 flannel before they sold out. Kickstarter direct trade hot chicken echo park chartreuse pabst umami readymade bitters. Scenester street art roof party palo santo helvetica, kombucha paleo meh kitsch wolf craft beer. Plaid drinking vinegar selfies, gluten-free activated charcoal thundercats copper mug.

Celiac art party ethical aesthetic williamsburg biodiesel DIY chambray pour-over. Prism narwhal chicharrones, stumptown tote bag shaman tattooed yr butcher portland keytar succulents jianbing. Chicharrones kickstarter distillery kogi migas kale chips. Bitters pour-over microdosing put a bird on it flexitarian cliche, ennui yr coloring book. umami readymade bitters. Scenester street art roof party palo santo helvetica, kombucha paleo meh kitsch wolf craft beer. Plaid drinking vinegar selfies, gluten-free activated charcoal thundercats copper mug.

My love for love (cheesy, I know) is how I wound up a photographer...

I wanted to be a photographer from day one.

Fast facts about Taylor

different states i've shot in


happy clients


happy preset customers


the knot - best of weddings award

5 years of

CHAMPAGNE! And, with a dash of OJ at brunch! ๐Ÿ˜‰

My drink of choice is...

Audrey Hepburn โ€” 100%. Love her elegance!

My style icon is...

morning walks (+ yoga) on the beach with my husband!

The best part of my day is...


Alice in Wonderland


Boudoir & Weddings

my favorite things

โ€” Mary M.

"Getting photographed by Taylor seriously just feels like hanging out with a girlfriend!"

โ€” Betty C.

"You'll never need to look for another photographer after working with Taylor!"

Let's work together!

think we'd make great friends? me too.

You deserve to feel (and look) confident in your photos. From big milestones like your wedding day to the everyday like a brand photoshoot. I've got you covered!

work together